What to expect for Graduation

What to expect for Graduation

Sophia Barr, Reporter

It’s that time of year again when the senior class takes their first step into adulthood. It can be fun and exciting knowing that once you walk across the stage you’re done, but it can also be uncomfortable when you don’t know what to expect. Here are some things you can do to help prepare yourself.

    1) Wear or bring comfortable shoes

Yes, this is a formal event, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be comfortable. Standing around and walking in shoes that hurt your feet can make anyone irritable and you don’t want that on your graduation day. If you found a pair of shoes you really want to wear then just keep spares to change into when the ceremony is done.



   2) Bring a spare change of Clothes

Once the ceremony is all said and done, you don’t want to be stuck in your cap and gown or an uncomfortable pair of jeans and a shirt, make sure you bring some clothing or wear it under your gown if you want to avoid it.


   3) Prepare for your future

During the days leading up to the ceremony make sure you have everything you need for the future. Any official transcripts, business cards, room housing (if you’re continuing education),or last minute party invites should be taken care of beforehand.


  4) Take down numbers

Usually after high school friends drift apart, this will be your last chance to take down names and number to keep in touch after school is over.


   5) Show up early

Nothing is worse than showing up late to your own party, especially when you’re walking out in front of hundreds of people. To make sure you show up on time for prep, leave a few minutes earlier than needed.


   6) Bring a camera or phone

You only have this moment once so make sure you having something, whether a phone or a basic digital camera, to capture it forever. Your phone could also be used to contacts people if something were to go wrong.


   7) Relax

The most important thing is to relax, this is supposed to be a memorable moment. It doesn’t help when you spend the day stressing about what could happen and what might happen, just go with the flow and have fun.