Kambrie has been swimming for 10 years
Where are they going?: Kambrie Payne
Welcome to The Mav’s Senior Tradition where we highlight our current seniors and discuss where they are headed
After she graduates, senior Kambrie Payne (‘23) is planning on attending the University of Colorado Boulder.
There she will be studying speech, language and hearing sciences to get her undergraduate degree in speech therapy. She is also minoring in Spanish at college.
During her time at Mead Kambrie has enjoyed her classes, most notably her Spanish class. She has been in the class since her freshman year.
Kambrie said her achievement of earning the Seal of Biliteracy makes her the most proud because “[she] has spent four years learning the language and that’s really difficult”.
Ms. Andrea Helmus, her Spanish teacher, is her favorite because “she is always there to talk and will reach out if you need extra help”. Kambrie spoke on how much she enjoyed her classes because she spent so much time with her students and devoted her energy to helping them learn.
Since Mead doesn’t offer a swim program at the high school, Kambrie decided to join the team at Erie. She has been heavily involved in the sport and said “[she] thinks [she] will be remembered most for being the swim captain at Erie”. She went on to talk about how her being named captain was funny — she didn’t even go to the school.
We wish Kambrie the best in her upcoming years. We know she will continue to do great and be involved within the community she is in.