Where are they going?; Tyler Prigmore
Tyler Prigmore heads towards the academic route!
As the end of the school year is approaching, it’s almost time to say farewell to the graduating class of 2018.
Tyler Prigmore is one student in particular that has decided to attend a four-year university. This fall, Tyler will be attending CU Boulder. He said, “I’m going to CU Boulder primarily because they are a feeder school into the University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine. Plus who wouldn’t want to wake up to that view every morning?”
Prigmore’s plan is to major in Psychology with a minor in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. He claimed, “With this major I am hoping to attend med school and study there to either become a physician or pediatric physician. I have also thrown around the idea of studying abroad in Europe for a semester”.
When asked what Tyler was most excited for he says, “I’m most excited for the college experience overall. People say that you meet some of the best people in your life in college. I’m ready to go out and experience what the world has to offer.”
Prigmore also gave input on some of his favorite high school memories, “I don’t think I’ll ever forget the feeling of putting months of hard work into a show and then finally getting up on stage to see all of my friends and family in the audience there to support me and my fellow actors.”