Mason Thompson

Ms. Warren is a well liked teacher and has a lovable personality.

Teacher Feature: Ms. Warren

Mead students are happy to have such an interactive and supportive history teacher

Ms. Erin Warren, a social studies teacher at Mead High School, started teaching about 26 years ago. Ms. Warren was born in Orlando, Florida. She graduated high school at Winter Haven High School. While she was in Florida, Warren received her bachelor’s degree from the University of North Florida.

After teaching at Lake Gibson Middle School (in Lakeland, Florida) hurricanes Charlie, Francis, and Jean traveled over central Florida. “They hit our house, and we lost our roof, and we lost a whole bunch of fences. We were fortunate to have friends who worked in construction, so while other people’s homes didn’t get fixed, ours got fixed quickly,” said Warren.

Warren, her husband, and two year-old daughter at the time were affected by these disasters. Warren said, “We had no electricity for six weeks, and with a two year old in Florida, that’s awful.”

After the hurricanes, she asked her husband to apply for jobs “anywhere that’s beautiful” — he applied for jobs in California, Virginia, Carolina, and Colorado. “He got a job in Colorado, so we picked up and moved because I did not want to live with hurricanes anymore.”

Ever since she was a little kid, Warren wanted to be a teacher. Although when she started college a teacher whose class she was observing said, “Don’t ever go into teaching.”

After that Warren changed her major to forestry because she’s always been interested and passionate about the environment. After exploring the subject, Warren realized that she “loves the environment but [she] doesn’t love chemistry, science, and biology”.

She ended up going into political science then worked for a lobbyist before finding that politics are a “little bit shady and dirty”. After all of that, Ms. Warren decided to give teaching another try and she received her teaching license.

“As much as that one teacher said, ‘Don’t ever go into it.’ I found I really love it. So I started there and took a whole little path to get [back] there,” she said.

Ms. Warren said she loves history and always wanted to teach it. “History is just all stories, and everyone loves to hear a good story.”

Warren “is an amazing advocate for all of her students and works diligently to make sure that each of her students is seen and heard in her classroom,” said Ms. Shannon Martenson. “She also wants to have people be celebrated, seen, and accepted for who they are.”

Martenson loves Ms. Warren’s “southern-isms”— “everybody’s a ‘dear’ and a ‘darling’ and a ‘honey’”.

We are grateful to have Ms. Warren at MHS.

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