The term “butterfly effect” corresponds to the thought that the world is deeply connected, so much to the point that one small event can lead to a chain reaction in a much larger system.
This concept comes from the idea that a butterfly could flap its wings in one part of the world and set off a chain of events that could result in a much bigger outcome.
The things that really change the world, according to the chaos theory, are the tiny things. “A butterfly flaps its wings in the Amazonian jungle, and subsequently, a storm ravages half of Europe.”
A good example of the butterfly effect is COVID-19. It began in a small food market in China and has since touched every corner of the world. A small incident in one part of the world resulted in consequences bigger than we could have imagined.
COVID-19 shows us all how we are connected in a more complex system and, therefore, how change occurs in the world. In this example, health can affect everything else, such as finance, mental health, and the environment.
The butterfly effect is a bigger picture than you could even see. At the time, an event may seem insignificant, but it really has a ripple effect that many people fail to notice.