On April 11, “Baby Reindeer” was released on Netflix top 10 list. This show contains seven episodes based on a real story. This show depicts stalking, traumatic experiences, and the aftermath of...
Star vs. the Forces of Evil is a comedic and adventurous animated TV show released to Disney Channel and Disney XD in January 2013. Created by Daron Nefcy, Star vs. the Forces of Evil (SVTFOE for short)...
This TV show is absolutely ridiculous.
Moon Knight is the new Marvel show that has just recently aired its final episode. It has a total of six episodes, and they came out every Wednesday for six weeks...
Disney recently released the last episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, their second Marvel TV show, on Mar. 19. Following Marvel’s WandaVision, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, directed...
Disney has brought us both great entertainment and, well, some... ify creations this past year. Casual viewers may be wondering where the continuously-hyped-up WandaVision series lies. Is it great entertainment?...
Once upon a time…
Wait, this isn’t a fairytale. This is Riverdale.
This TV series takes place in a town called Riverdale — not so surprisingly — and follows the many strange criminal activities...
From the director of Riverdale, comes another binge worthy series. Riverdale is a more ‘natural’ take on teenage life in high school, while The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina heads straight into the...
The Haunting of Hill House presents the life of the Crain family, in both the past and the present. From when they were all kids, being haunted by their worst nightmares, to grown adults still dealing...