Star vs. the Forces of Evil is a comedic and adventurous animated TV show released to Disney Channel and Disney XD in January 2013. Created by Daron Nefcy, Star vs. the Forces of Evil (SVTFOE for short) follows a young and daring princess from another dimension named Star Butterfly. Star has been granted the power of her family’s magic wand, as the next queen of her home planet, Mewni. When Star first obtains the wand, she is deemed too reckless and gets sent to Earth to train in a safer environment. There, she lives with Marco Diaz and his family in urban Echo Creek, California.
Star and Marco become best friends and go on crazy adventures to different dimensions, where they make new friends and fight monsters wherever they go.
This show has everything a kid in 2013 could ask for. It has magic and talking animals, as well as many important messages about friendship and family. It has a little bit of everything everywhere, but in the end, everything comes together and makes sense.
Star is a very likable character because of how relatable she can be at times. Yes, she does happen to have magic and is from another world, but her attitude resonates with a lot of people.
She’s sarcastic but honest; she’s funny but confident; and she’s lazy but energetic all at the same time. On a deeper level, you can see who Star is, how she can be such a rich character, and how her character has grown so much throughout its run.
The overall message of the show is that you should always be yourself, no matter who tells you you’re wrong or who says you shouldn’t be your individual. Many episodes show us how princesses don’t always have to be prim and proper, but they can party, have brunch, and eat pizza. It tells everyone that “it’s not criminal to be an individual.”
This show made me feel for all of the characters and relate to how their high school experience can sometimes be super similar to real life. But it had me super invested in the plot and the adventures they went on. It’s silly, but super lore-filled, well-planned, and well-made.
When I finished the show, I almost cried. Although it was a beautiful ending to such a wonderful show, I couldn’t help but wish for more than just four seasons. But in the end, this show was whimsical and funny, and it was just deep on so many levels.
I give this show a 10/10.