Ryan St. Aubin (‘26) takes a swing at a pitch and fouls it off in the Mead vs. Fairview game.
Dalton Berg (‘24) takes a swing at a pitch and misses.
Connor Poe (‘25) gives advice to Destin Soares (‘25) for his upcoming at-bat.
Edison Burke (‘25) in the middle of his pitching motion in the game against Fairview.
Dalton Berg (‘24) stands in the outfield waiting for some action.
Fairview’s pitcher in the middle of his motion about to throw a pitch.
Ethan Scallon (‘24) gets ready for the pitch in the batter’s box.
Mead players look on from the dugout as one of their teammates prepares to go up to bat.
Fairview’s Head Coach and the head umpire share a friendly exchange in between innings.
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