Melia Sloss (‘24) has attended all of her four years of high school in Mead. Throughout those four years, she has made many memories but a few of her favorites have been made thanks to journalism.
For Sloss’s junior year, she was a part of the editorial board and they went down to Denver for a “team bonding event”.
“We got down there and just walked around, had some fun, and got dinner,” Sloss said.
Although it was a required event, she said that it was still one of her favorite memories due to being able to see her classmates who she wasn’t too close outside of class in a different setting.
“It’s just cool to be around everyone and it just makes you feel a little bit better”
Once Sloss graduates from high school, she plans on going to a community college, though she is not committed to one at the moment she does have her eyes out for either Front Range or a community college in Washington, as she plans on moving there.
“I‘ve been there a couple of times and I really love the atmosphere over there, I love the rain and my cousin lives over there and she is having a baby, so I’d like to help her out because her husband is in the military.”
“I also just want to be in a different setting so I won’t have to worry about going to a store and knowing people I went to school with.”
Like her collegiate future, she has a few career paths she wants to take while not being set on one at the moment
“I wasn’t expecting it but being an English Teacher is sort of one of them that popped out of nowhere,” “Besides being a teacher, I was thinking of doing something that has to do with graphic design or something where I’m able to create something.”
Another option she wants to do is do a little bit of freelance writing until she finds something that truly pops out to her.
Throughout her time in high school, Melia has found that creating study habits is a big help and would advise staying organized, especially before going to talk to a teacher.
“There were multiple occasions where I would be failing an assignment or something where telling or communicating with the teacher would have been a good thing to do.”
While Sloss states she likes the entire English department, her favorite teachers have to be Ms. Hedlun and Ms. Engelen.
Journalism helped her get where she is now and as much as she hates to admit it, she took a theater class during her freshman year and that helped get her out of her comfort zone.
“It pushed me out of my shell because there were times where I just had to say ‘You have to get this done’ or ‘You have to do this’”
We wish you luck Melia and hope Washington treats you well!