Water Lilies follows Marie (15), Anne (15), and Floriane (15), three adolescent girls during a summer in the French suburbs. Marie wants an escape from her day-to-day life, as she has kept with her one friend, Anne, since they were young and has stayed out of trouble.
Floriane, a competitive synchronized swimmer, captivates the eye of Marie— causing her to immediately fall victim to Floriane’s charm and manipulation, wrapping her into her rumored life of promiscuity, romance, and deception. It’s obvious to Floriane that she’s able to captivate people with her looks, and she uses it against others. Marie later finds that Floriane is different from what she had romanticized her to be.
The movie depicts Marie’s friendship falling apart with Anne as her and Floriane’s romantic relationship grows. Only Floriane doesn’t see it the same way Marie does, she sees their relationship as a game. She’s romantically involved with a boy, François, who is around their age, as Floriane uses both of them for personal gratification. Marie tries to be a part of the synchronized swim team to get as close to Floriane as she can, trying to be noticed.
At this point Anne, Marie’s childhood friend, finds that her best friend no longer sees her as a priority, losing her day after day and realizing she’s entirely infatuated with Floriane.
Floriane used Marie so her first kiss wouldn’t be a boy. I think deep down she knew she would never love or care for Fraçois, similar to the way Marie felt towards Floriane. She was only infatuated and wanted to experience something new to be someone different; she used Floriane for her own personal gain as well.
Anne understood that Marie was deceived but also blinded by her romanticization. She knew that although Marie had left her behind for another path that they both understood each other on a platonic level. She knew who she was outside a relationship and that being in love could change a person. Anne had been there to remind her who she was and what she truly deserved.
There’s a significance of the love being perceived by these teenagers in all different ways. I think the best maxim for this would be the difference between being in love and truly loving someone. I give Water Lilies an 8.5/10.