High school relationships will always be prominent as a student—whether that be in your own personal experience, people-watching, or hearing about them from your friends in relationships. When the main focus is directed toward relationships it often leads to problems.
A relationship should stay between two people. I believe you should never voice your opinion to either person unless you notice abuse or they ask you directly.
If one of your friends is dating someone you dislike, you should keep that to yourself. You are not helping them by talking negatively about someone they consider important in their life. Oftentimes, I’ve seen it lead to unnecessary fights and tension.
I have personally noticed and experienced a focus on relationships within high school. The tendency to gossip or only talk about people you find attractive gets on my nerves. I think that your high school memories should not revolve around a crush and finding someone to date. This fixation only worsens once two people make it official.
The way others talk about people in relationships disgusts me. It’s upsetting to see people making fun of, putting pressure on, and forming judgments on others. If you are not in the relationship, you do not understand the full situation—especially if you are only hearing one side.
Because rumors spread easily in high school, it’s better to just stay quiet and not add to the situation.
There can also be a lot of overstepping in other people’s relationships—giving “advice” without being asked and pressuring someone to do something they may not want to do. Overall, if you are not asked to share your opinion, don’t.