Dear freshman Shayd,
- Be weary of what you say — not all of your thoughts and opinions need to be publicized all over your social media.
I know you have a lot of big feelings surrounding lots of different things. Instead of taking your opinions and beliefs about whatever it might be, start writing in a journal, find your safe space/person to share, or tell your mom everything. It creates bigger issues when information is spread through untrustworthy sources and when it looks like you’re the one starting rumors.
- You will not always be right, and that’s ok
Apply this to every part of your life; inside and outside of school, at home, in public, literally everywhere. Sometimes your peers know more about a certain topic than you do and you will learn more by opening your ears to different perspectives than you would by arguing.
- On the topic of arguing … not everything has to be an argument.
When you’re faced with conflict or differing opinions about anything, don’t immediately choose to fight. If you need to, and can feel yourself getting worked up, take a step back. Prioritize your hot head, take a breath, and relax before you say something you might regret. No friendship is worth winning an argument over if it means losing the friend.
- Don’t keep bad friends around
If you are at the point in your friendship where it doesn’t feel effortless anymore and you’re feeling unhappy — it’s time to cut it off. Much like how no good friendship is worth losing over something stupid, no bad friendship is worth keeping if your mental health is at stake. Having one really great, supportive, best friend is much better than having a ton of fake friends.
- Listen to your mom
This one goes without much explanation, and I know it sounds silly, but more times than not mom is right. Whether it be about boys, friends, or school, she is sharing first hand knowledge because she, too, had experienced high school (believe it or not). Even if you don’t take every single piece of advice, give her the joy of telling you and being the person you go to when needed.