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Mead High School’s Student News

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Mead High School’s Student News

The Mav

Mead High School’s Student News

The Mav

College Board’s greed contradicts what it means to be a non-profit.

College Board has monopolized education in the US which harms student learning (Editorial)

Editorial Board April 17, 2024

It can be almost guaranteed that everybody in the United States has heard of the SAT, the PSAT, or an AP class. What we can also guarantee is that College Board is determined to make as much money as they...

AP classes are strongly pushed despite their drawbacks.

Mead staff should promote concurrent enrollment as much as they do AP (Editorial)

Editorial Board, Writer October 28, 2022

Editorials are articles written by a publication’s editors to express a shared opinion or discuss a topic editors think needs more attention. These articles are meant to persuade readers and to promote...

Mr. Jim Kuhn, current professor of the ASL 121 concurrent enrollment class offered at Mead, stands at the front of an Energy Academy classroom during class.

High school students can get college jumpstart through concurrent enrollment

Enola Potter, Writer December 14, 2021

MHS and many other high schools offer concurrent enrollment class options that allows students to dual enroll in a community college and high school class with their peers. Academic counselor Ms. Brady-McMullen...

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