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Mead High School’s Student News

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Mead High School’s Student News

The Mav

Mead High School’s Student News

The Mav

Language arts curriculum does not need to only include classics.

Teaching classics in school sucks the joy out of reading for many students (Opinion)

Joya Haskin, Managing Editor February 4, 2021

So here’s the thing: I'm lucky enough to have enjoyed most of the classics I've read. I even own quite a few classics that I plan on picking up on my own without having to read them for school. However,...

A copy of the 50th anniversary edition of To Kill a Mockingbird.

No, killing is still wrong

Gretzky Gilman, Writer November 1, 2018
"It has been fifty years after the book was first released and the book's message still resonates with a large group of people. Its message still holds true: that all people are created equal. And, if this book can give hope to me, think about how much it can give to other students, especially others of marginalized groups who have also felt racism or any other discrimination." ***To appreciate the following article, it would help to read the original article about why schools ought not to teach To Kill a Mockingbird written by SVVSD Language Arts coordinator Zac Chase.
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