My Sweet Alithia (poem)
“I want the world to see my art and show the world what I can do. I want people to be happy when they see my passion in art.” – Alithia
October 9, 2022
10 years — her 10 year old soul
That stolen dream
Dreamt for 10 whole years
Now that dream is true
Because the paint that laid on the walls
Was not from her soul
Paris is where the esteemed roam
The art, displays true emotion
Hers is unsatisfactory
And now every frown walking past that beautiful piece will go
Oh well!
Paris and Texas
Or Paris, Texas
Write your will and stack it neatly within your cubby
So that when your spelling test comes in the mail
Your lovely parents will have a little more to remember you by
My bullets are crayons and love
The shells are on the ground
My sweet Alithia
Your style has brought mine to life
My sweet Alithia
Your colors have bled into my heart
My sweet Alithia
I pray that guns can soon be as rare as you were
Eggs are spilling out of the carton
Yet none are over a dozen
They say life is precious
Unless of course it’s more precious than that fancy safe of yours
America will grieve, then shut up and have to grieve again
And again and again and again
Kids now jokingly giggle and laugh under these people
Because it seems that every child within our system now
Knows that this place is a target
And WE are walking bullseyes
To the Twenty One lives lost on this one day
I sit and wait, knowing two stay still
Knowing that one day, my dreams will be brought to life not because I worked
Because I didn’t have the chance to do it myself
My Sweet Alithia
Twenty One