StuCo hosts gift drive through English classes

Student Council urges all students to participate to the best of their ability

The Weld County Elves and local Hope House are two of the charities directly benefitting from this year’s gift drive.

Mead High Student Council is hosting the annual gift drive Dec. 12 through the end of the school day on Dec. 22. Instead of working alongside one foundation, StuCo is working with both the Weld County Elves and Hope Center to provide necessities to those in need within our community.

As of this school year, Advisory meets only once a week. Because of that, the gift drive will run through English classes so students can drop off items everyday. Each English classroom has boxes for items and, if the teacher says it’s okay, students can give cash donations to their teacher to purchase items.

“We hope that everyone can donate,” said Kate Hardy (’23), the president of MHS StuCo.

“It’s not for our gain or for their [the students’] gain, it’s to help people that are less fortunate,” she added.

Requested necessities and gifts include hand warmers, socks, winter gloves, knit hats (preferably in darker colors, like black), decks of cards, card games, coloring books with markers and colored pencils, as well as gently used blankets, sleeping bags, and coats.

All items must be unwrapped.

The only thing required is your generosity and holiday spirit.

“It’s not about what you give or how much you give — it’s the act of giving itself,” said Principal Dr. Brain Young.