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Mead High School’s Student News

The Mav

Mead High School’s Student News

The Mav

Mead High School’s Student News

The Mav

Sea animals should not be in small tanks for the entertainment of humans.

Aquariums limit sea animals’ habitats (Opinion)

Ana Carrillo, Editor May 23, 2023

Picture the ocean and its depth. The beautiful blue waters that surround the earth, thousands of kilometers and depths that not even mankind has been able to research nor discover. This area where hundreds...

“The greatness of a nation and it’s morals progress can be judged by the way it’s animals are treated." — Mahatma Gandhi

Animal testing should be banned (Opinion)

Ana Carrillo, Editor December 22, 2022

Many people around the world use plenty of products which are animal tested. In the United States, about 50 million animals are used for experimentation each year by companies. Some of the most well-known...

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