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Mead High School’s Student News

The Mav

Mead High School’s Student News

The Mav

Mead High School’s Student News

The Mav

People often confuse the meaning of gaslighting and underestimate the effect it has on a person.

Gaslighting is a dangerous form of emotional abuse

Aspen Bingham, Content Editor November 2, 2022

Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that occurs in many toxic relationships. It is a form of emotional abuse where the abuser attempts to confuse the target, ultimately making them question their own...

Toxic Relationships (poem)

Toxic Relationships (poem)

Enola Potter, Writer September 20, 2022

The human body has mandatory organs — needed to function: The brain, the backbone, the lungs, and the heart. The human body matters more than anything, and if not taken care of properly, it will abruptly...

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