Underclassmen cheer at high drug usage statistics in Colorado during assembly

Students express their opinions about drug usage

On Thursday, January 10th, at approximately 10:10 AM, Guest speakers Lynn Reimer and Nick Thompson were brought in to talk to the freshmen and sophomore classes in the auditorium  to discuss drug use statistics in Colorado.

The assembly was intended to be informative and help students understand the consequences of drug use. 

During this assembly, the sophomore and freshman classes, “cheered and clapped when they were showed statistics about high drug usage in Colorado” says freshman Brissa Wallace.

Many students reported that they liked the way the guest speakers approached the topics but didn’t feel that is was effective or taken seriously by most students.

“I do not think the assembly was effective or taken seriously because it was scheduled in such a short period of time that felt rushed for the students and guest speakers” says sophomore Danae Costello. “We hear about drug abuse so much that it becomes repetitive.”

Costello also stated that she “…did not feel like [the assembly] went well, and there was a lot of disrespect the entire time,” but also added that there were a lot of other aspects that played into how the assembly went, not just the kids.

“I think it was important for the kids to hear,” Wallace explains, “the message was heard but might not have been taken as seriously as intended.”

In addition, Lilly McElroy, freshman, added, “No matter what they are told, kids are going to go and do whatever they want to anyways.”

Many students feel that the behavior at the assembly was disrespectful to not only the guest speakers but to Mead High School as a whole.

As explained by Principal Rachael Ayers, Mav 30 was created so that class time was not interrupted to talk about things that are important within our school and community.

As this is becoming a growing concern that is recognized nationally: parents, teachers and schools are trying to find a way to reach students raising awareness.

“I challenge our students to take a stand. Make the change you want to see in your world” Ayers has expressed.

Disciplinary actions for drug use as well as the behavior at the assembly have been handled by administration.

For more information on disciplinary procedures at Mead High School, click here.