How to talk to the counselors

Here’s how to navigate communicating your concerns to your counselors


Campbell Goter

The MHS College & Career Center near the main office offers counseling appointments for students who want to speak with their counselor about their future.

Navigating talking to the counselors here at Mead High can seem intimidating, especially if you’ve never done it before. You may be asking yourself questions such as “Which counselor have I been assigned to?’ or “Do I need to set up an appointment with them?” These questions shouldn’t deter you from communicating any needs you may have with your counselor.

The counseling office at Mead High School is located in the commons and is connected to the front office. If you are having trouble finding it, you can always ask anyone in the front office. There is a long hallway once you are in the counseling area where every counselor’s office is. 

Every student at Mead is automatically assigned a counselor based on the first letter of their last name. If you don’t know who your counselor is or forgot, they are as follows:  Anthony Elliott: A-E, Courtney Howe: F-L, Maura Brady-McMullen: M-R, and Rebecca Miller: S-Z. 

Finding a time to talk to your counselor can be difficult for the both of you. You may be able to catch your counselor in their office at a time that they are available to talk to you, but it is not always guaranteed. Howe, the counselor for students with last names F-L said, “When students are trying to access their counselor, the easiest way in doing so would be by emailing their counselor with available times they are able to meet because then the counselor can check their calendar to determine a time that works best for both the student and the counselor.” 

You may be looking to build a stronger relationship with your counselor because most likely they will be writing at least one of your college recommendations. You may feel as though this is a daunting task. It is much easier to build relationships with teachers as we interact with them on a daily basis. In order to set off on the right foot with your counselor, take time at least once a year to set up a meeting with them. 

Howe suggests that you “schedule a meeting with [your] counselor to discuss [the] goals, plans, passions, and interests [you] have,” this will help the counselor to learn more about the student and how to best support them throughout high school.

Communicating with your counselor is an essential part of high school, and building relationships with them will help you plan for your life during high school and your future. 

Feel free to contact them if you have any questions. You can reach them through their emails below. 

Anthony Elliott: [email protected]

Courtney Howe: [email protected]

Maura Brady-McMullen: [email protected]

Rebecca Miller: [email protected]