It was recently announced that the Mead High student commons, both upstairs — which was recently rearranged — and downstairs, would be closed to students staying on the MHS campus during their time...
If students have chosen to be virtual four days a week or are currently quarantined in their homes and attending classes through Webex, physical library books may seem difficult to check out and pick up.
Adah McMillan, Copy and Design Editor
• March 20, 2020
Happy quarantine! This is the perfect time to read all the books you’ve been hoarding in your room or to actually read at all. If you don’t have any good books on hand, there are plenty of relatively...
Would you believe me if I told you that the Harry Potter books were recently removed from a school in Nashville, Tennessee due to “satanic” undertones and the “teaching of witchcraft”?
The Two Towers starts off with Sean Bean dying once again--oh wait i'm thinking of the movie. The story continues from where The Fellowship of the Ring left off.
The group is at Amon Hen when they get...
“Spirals grow infinitely small the farther you follow them inward, but they also grow infinitely large the farther you follow them out.”
Revelations on mental health proliferate the young adult...