What is the Interact Club? According to Tina Harris, a teacher here at Mead High School who runs Interact Club, “Interact Club is a high school club that is sponsored by Rotary International.” She said, “Rotary has a focus on leadership and service, so Interact has the same focus. According to Rotary, “Interact clubs bring together young people ages 12–18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of service above self.” Find out how serious leadership can be seriously fun.
Rotary and Interact are both built around a four-way test. “Of the things we think, say, or do, is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?” Ms. Harris said, “Whenever we’re making decisions or having conversations, or planning what to do, we have to keep those four things in mind.”
Ms. Harris and Ms. Cassie Sonnenberg worked to start the Interact Club last spring. They put together a board with a president, a vice president, a treasurer, a sergeant at arms, and then a secretary. “We got this board together and started it this fall. Currently, we have about 15 to 20 members in the club,” said Ms. Harris, “We try to pick a service project for fall, winter, and spring. For our first service project, we partnered up with the Mead Rotary Club in the fall and did a road cleanup. We are getting ready to start a February clothing drive, which Interact Club has decided to call Share the Love. We are collecting winter clothing for refugees in Colorado who don’t have coats and hats, etc.”
This club offers many opportunities and skills for students. Ms. Harris said, “It offers them the opportunity to learn leadership skills because they are the ones going out and interacting with the public and trying to find these projects that we need to do.”
Emma Brown (’24), a member of Interact Club, said her favorite part is helping people. “You kind of get to be a part of something where you feel like you’re doing something good for others,” Brown (‘24) said.
Lacy Kloss (‘24), another member of Interact Club, said, “Interact Club benefits the community a lot because we help people in need without expecting or asking for anything in return.” She said, “This club has made me work on how much I have and how much I have to be appreciative for. It also helped me figure out what I want to do in the future because I definitely want to help people.”
While in the Interact Club, Kloss (‘24) has made good connections with many people. “I have so many new friends and have met so many new people that I didn’t even know went to this school. If I ever need something, I know I have so many people I can ask for help,” said Kloss (‘24)
Check with your school or contact a local Rotary Club to find out if there’s an Interact Club in your area. Contact the Interact Club and the students and teachers mentioned to find out how you can join its next meeting, service project, or community event.