Mr. Wade Weese, known at school adoringly as Wade, has worked at Mead High School for five years as a Campus Supervisor. As the epitome of a trusted adult, Weese is a friendly face many students feel they...
On Friday, March 17, Mead High School Campus Supervisor, Jessica Trujillo, announced her resignation with it also being her last day.
Trujillo said she wants to pursue her dream of becoming a dental hygienist....
Penni Andersen, Mead’s Campus Supervisor, started in school security in 1999. When her son was in kindergarten, she began working as a ParaProfessional at Longs Peak Middle School.
She then began...
David Morales is leaving Mead High.
The longtime campus supervisor has decided to work in Adams County District 14 after a recent move into the area, along with the district’s offer to pay for higher...