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Mead High School’s Student News

The Mav

Mead High School’s Student News

The Mav

Mead High School’s Student News

The Mav

Mav Advice is a student advice column that answers advice questions with researched answers. Questions can be asked through the google form.

School clubs are a great way to get involved

Skylar Whalen, Editor-in-Chief February 28, 2024

Mav Newspaper, How can I make myself more known? I like being involved, but I don’t know where to start. —Jess B There are so many great ways to be more involved. If you want to be a part of a community,...

This study group is proposed to make it easier for students to meet with a group

AP Study Group is newly offered after school program at Mead

Raul Mares, Content Editor January 30, 2024

Many studies have proven that working with others can have many beneficial aspects. Team bonding projects encourage personal growth, increase job satisfaction, and reduce stress. Students are even more...

Student pastor Aaron Schroeder from Flatirons Church opens up the inaugural FCA meeting on Oct. 4.

Students run FCA for first time since 2020

Zoe Sigg, Writer November 16, 2022

FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) is being offered again at MHS during first and second lunches on Tuesdays. The club is student run, and despite having “athletes” in the title, all are welcome...

Students eat lunch during GSA

GSA meets every Wednesday during lunch

Jacob Morales, Writer November 15, 2022

The Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) meets on Wednesday’s once a week in room C138, near the counceling office. GSA is ran by Mr. Pedro Linsenmeyer, the Mental Health Counselor and Interventionist. The club...

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is a leadership program coordinated by Rotary Clubs around the globe.

Local Mead Rotary helps sponsor week long camp over summer to all students

Lauren Larson, Writer March 19, 2020

For most people, summer can be filled with long, boring days of sitting at home and doing homework. For the many students who may long for something to break up the days of nothingness, Mead High’s very...

Artists Assemble

Artists Assemble

Shelby Lewis, Copy and Design Editor October 30, 2017
Like art? Enjoy creating? Have we got the club for you!
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