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Mead High School’s Student News

The Mav

Mead High School’s Student News

The Mav

Mead High School’s Student News

The Mav

This study group is proposed to make it easier for students to meet with a group

AP Study Group is newly offered after school program at Mead

Raul Mares, Content Editor January 30, 2024

Many studies have proven that working with others can have many beneficial aspects. Team bonding projects encourage personal growth, increase job satisfaction, and reduce stress. Students are even more...

The ESPN Honor Roll award was given to Mead High School framed and in a sleek black box.

Mead High School wins ESPN Honor Roll

Skylar Whalen, Editor-in-Chief November 7, 2023

Around the month of October, Mead High School Unified received some exciting news on social media.  Mead High School has been named the ESPN Honor Roll School of the Midwest.  ESPN SportsCenter...

AP testing is coming up; It’s not too late to register.

Register for AP exams before it’s too late

Enola Potter, Writer November 6, 2023

College Board holds its annual Advanced Placement (AP) testing during the first couple weeks of May. Even though the exam isn't required, participation is strongly recommended.  For students interested...

This event is held every year and admission is free for all ages.

Trick or Treat Street returns Saturday October 28th

Jacob Morales, Writer October 25, 2023

Mead High's annual Trick-or-Treat Street (hosted by the choir program) is on for this Saturday October 28 from 5-8PM. The evening will include games, free candy, and a newly-branded Haunted Hallway featuring...

The boys’ soccer team sits in a team huddle.

MHS soccer ties with Centaurus in exciting turnout

Lars Messmer, Editor in Chief October 8, 2023

Up until this point, MHS boys soccer has had a solid season. With a 7-2-1 season to start, hopes for the team remain high. Mead, however, was scheduled to play the 9-0-1 Centaurus Warriors on Oct. 3. Centaurus,...

Student Council is posting prom updates on instagram @mead_stuco.

Prom spirit week is April 17-21

Skylar Whalen, Editor-in-Chief April 17, 2023

Saturday, April 22, is this year's prom. Leading up to this dance, Mead’s Student Council is putting on a spirit week. On Monday, April 17, students are encouraged to wear school appropriate “Pool...

Ms. Berry told her classes about her baby by showing them a video with blue baby shoes.

“Baby Berry” has arrived, and Ms. Berry takes maternity leave

Skylar Whalen, Editor-in-Chief March 29, 2023

Roken Wynn Harris was born March 22, 2023. Choir students and the “choir family” have been waiting for the arrival of Ms. Rikelle Berry’s baby boy for eight months now. Choir students found out...

Concert band practices in the B-Wing.

Mead High Band program set to hold free concert Monday, March 6

Jacob Morales, Writer March 6, 2023

The Mead Bands have been hard at work to provide quality entertainment, and now they are inviting you to join them for a night of music and fun. They will hold a free show in the auditorium, Monday, March...

Seven 2022 seniors are shown on the first two pages of the Senior Baby Ads.

Senior pictures and Baby Ads are due this week

Skylar Whalen, Editor-in-Chief November 14, 2022

The extended deadline for senior photos is today, Nov. 14. Without submitted photos, students in the class of 2023 will not be able to include their professional photos. Instead, their yearbook photo will...

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