Youth should consider volunteering for the Longmont Humane Society (Opinion)

Animals all around the world are being saved because of the work volunteers are doing at local shelters, including the Longmont Humane Society

Featured above is a dog Chloe Patterson had the opportunity to walk.

Chloe Patterson

Featured above is a dog Chloe Patterson had the opportunity to walk.

If you have a dog or cat at home, you know how much they mean to you. A lot of animals out there do not have homes or people to love them. Many of the animals living on the streets can develop fatal diseases and injuries. 

The humane society is a worldwide organization that is an animal shelter for lost, stray, or surrendered animals. When someone comes across an animal and does not know where they belong, the humane society is a safe place to bring them. 

The shelter has a series of steps they follow to make sure that animals are able to stay with them and that there will not be any problems. The first thing they do is check for any microchips so owners can be called. They also have trained veterinarians that will run tests and make sure there are no diseases or injuries. 

If the animal has a fatal disease that will make it impossible for them to live comfortably or live very long, they will proceed with euthanization. Their goal is to keep the animals in the shelter and not have to euthanize, but sometimes it is necessary. 

I have been volunteering in the canine department for about a year, and it is a life-changing experience. I go in and walk the dogs once a week, and I get to meet new dogs each time. 

There are a few ways you can get involved with this community. Going into the actual building and talking to the staff is a good way to get information on volunteering and getting a job. You can also access an application for a job or volunteering online; however, the age requirement for a job is 18.

Walking away from this experience taught me that any animal can be loved even if they are not perfectly behaved or have what some might call “a past”. I also know that when I walk away from the shelter, they will do everything they can to ensure their animals find good homes.

Volunteering at the Longmont Humane Society is a really impactful experience for me, and I think it can be for others as well.