October was National Domestic Violence Awareness month

Even though October has ended, domestic violence is always a serious matter


Aspen Bingham

Domestic violence can often make victims feel trapped.

October was National Domestic violence awareness month. The month is dedicated to the 27% of people who are victims of domestic violence. Though October has just ended, we can still take care of domestic violence victims at all times.

Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behaviors by one person in a relationship. This pattern is used to gain power over another person. 

Domestic violence typically happens in phases. The first phase is the tension building phase. This is a period where there is a lot of tension and negative comments and actions are starting to build up. Victims will often feel like they’re walking on eggshells during this period.

The next phase is the explosion phase. This is after the tension phase when the abusive partner finally snaps and becomes out of control and irrational. During the explosion period, the victim may feel the need to protect themselves or even run. 

After the explosion stage is the honeymoon stage. This is a period right after physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. During this time, the abuser will apologize for their behavior and make promises that it won’t happen again. 

During domestic violence, it is typical that this cycle will be repeated time and time again.

The state of Colorado is a mandatory arrest state, meaning they are legally required to arrest anyone who has probable evidence against them suggesting they committed domestic violence.

Domestic violence is a very serious matter. It may be hard to reach out, but there are many resources available.

The domestic violence hotline can be reached at 1 (800) 799-7233. For the domestic violence text line, text “START” to 88788.

The domestic violence website is thehotline.org