How to drive in the parking lot (Humor)
A guide to getting home faster
Alejandro Aguilar (’22) is hit while riding skateboard. Don’t worry; it’s staged.
January 24, 2020
You’re standing in your classroom, not even five feet from the door. Your eyes on the clock, counting every second until the bell rings. When it finally does, you’re speedily walking towards the front doors, your car sitting just beyond in the temporarily vacant parking lot.
The pleasant relief that comes with knowing you finally get to leave school is bliss. You could be going home, to work, the library, the gym, or a friend’s house. Anything that isn’t eight hours of sitting in those decrepit plastic chairs surrounded by people you might not otherwise associate yourself with.
You get to your car — the music is playing, your thumbs are tapping readily on the steering wheel. And just like your backpack sitting in the backseat, a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. You put the car into reverse and back out of your parking spot.
You blink and suddenly there are lines of cars before you, blocking your way out. And then comes the inevitable sigh of frustration: you inch forward, hoping, praying for someone to let you in.
When someone finally motions for you to pull in front of them, the person across from you slams on the gas and is in front of you in no time. No big deal, right? At least you’re in line to leave.
But now you wonder, “what would have happened if I wasn’t paying attention?”
We all want to go home, but why was that person so impatient that they had to fly into line, potentially causing harm to other students, parents, and staff?
Here’s a few tips to make our parking lot safer:
–Back in as often as you can. Even if it means getting up earlier, try backing into a spot so you can easily pull out without worrying if there’s someone hiding in a blind spot.
–Carpool. Travel with friends to and from school. If you live near each other, you won’t have to worry about wasting gas, and you get to spend more time with friends. The more you carpool, the fewer cars there are in the parking lot, which lowers the risk of an accident.
–Be alert. Always look for other cars on your way out, and while you’re behind the wheel, they might not see you, so it’s good to exercise caution.
–Use common courtesy. Efficiency is key, but being selfish is not always the way to go. If you’re already in line, let someone else in instead of pushing your way through. The zipper method (seen below) shows how to merge perpendicularly into the aisle.
–Be patient. At the end of the day, traffic is something everyone has had to deal with. Be courteous to others on the road, and pay attention to everything around you. If you get into an accident and have to pay a hefty amount to fix the damage, you’re going to wish you were more patient, even if it costs you five minutes of drive time.
As exciting as it is to get home, you are not the only person on the road. Take it slow and use these tips to make everyone’s experience a little better. That way you can enjoy the music in your car and the endless possibilities of an afternoon off from school safely.
Joseph mcgregor • Feb 28, 2020 at 11:01 am
I like how there’s a little story to start off the article, it’s pretty funny
Hallie Thibodeau • Feb 28, 2020 at 10:59 am
I enjoy the humor and pointers given in this article.
anthony molinaro • Jan 28, 2020 at 12:05 pm
this article not only gives good information, it also is enjoyable and humorous. nice job!
Taylor wright • Jan 28, 2020 at 12:03 pm
I love the humor in this article. I also like how there is a video to go along with the story.